Changes not noted on parent hand book but implemented during COVID-19 until further written notice is provided
See working through COVID-19 section of website. Information was provided during town halls to enrolled families
Hours of operation: Hours of operation 8:10-5:00 M-Th & 4pm Fri. effective July 6, 2020 with scheduled staggered drop off & pick up times
Meals: PDN will provide water in addition to 9am & 3pm snack.
Parent to provide ready to serve lunch daily. No nut products
Visitors on site: Visitors & parents are not permitted onsite. Exclusion authorized government officials, first responders and or authorized therapist. Therapist will work outside and away from non clients. 9/19/2022 Preschool parents will drop off at main entrance door. Parents may enter building for pick up at scheduled time. Parents may not enter the classroom but rather will pick up at the classroom door. Infants will drop off and pick up at infant gate. All persons dropping off and picking up must wear a well fitted surgical mask or mask of higher quality once on the school property including parking lot. All persons must be symptom free of cold/ flu like symptoms/ stomach bug like symptoms.
Exclusion Sick Policy see handbook for additional, not all inclusive: Children and staff will be excluded using CDC COVID-19 guidelines as guide for COVID-19 like symptoms. Health Department will guide further as needed
Children with 99.5 fever or higher, cold/ flu like symptoms at intake are excluded at intake
Children of parents who do not adhere to assigned drop off and pick up schedule, mask wearing etc. may be terminated immediately without refund of tuition